Wednesday, June 15, 2011

EXP 3 Submission

Link to crysis file:

There are 4 folders inside the file:
1. z3371104_objects_exp3
2. z3371104_levels_exp3
3. Music
4. Natural

"Music" should be placed in "Game" folder in crysis directory.
"Natural"should be placed in "Objects" folder in crysis directory.

do make sure to turn up your volume when playing as I have included soundtrack inside the level.

I also include a video demo on how operate the elevators:

Lady Gaga:

L- to start the elevator
K- to go down the valley
J- to go up (make sure the character is standing in the middle of the elevator to avoid crashing with the terrain, as shown in the video)
H- to move the elevator back to its initial position

Jonathan Ive:

U- to start the elevator
Y- to go down the valley
P- to go up
O- to move the elevator back to its initial position

Link to sketchup model:

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Week 12: Final Draft

Gaga's space is on the left, having a very bizarre form(which suits her appearance in entertainment industry), gigantic enough seemingly engulfing Ive's space on the right.(Gaga is higher profile than Ive) Ive's space has this large tall tower that seems to be protecting a smaller tower behind it. (explaining that Ive is a low profile but important man behind the success of a big iconic product: iPhone, iPad etc.) <-- same idea carry on from 1st draft.

The structure of the bridge will change as the two clients are going to meet together for a lunch and discuss ideas. For Lady Gaga's space, the huge horn will hide itself showing that she is no longer in her office (her threathening influence to Jonathan Ive's is gone). For Ive's space, the gigantic tall tower will submerge into the ground, revealing Ive's office behind. The tower no longer needs to protect Ive anymore since he is away from his office. The meeting space will then rise up as the huge horn goes down, suggesting Gaga has the upper hand of influence to the world comparing to Ive. Both the client's space will be connected by the main bridge signalling the meeting is about to take place.

Gaga's elevator has a form of an organ which will rotate around her as she sits the elevator. It gives her a feeling of being surrounding by her fans, paparazi and the world seems to revolve around her, which further emphasize her as a media hottest icon.

Ive's elevator has a form of microchip, which powers the lighting of the bridge as he sits. However, the elevator will need the small "legs" to attached to it in order to move. This echo with Ive's success has to do with the teamwork he has in his designing team. The elevator was given a huge transparent window which enable Ive's far vision of future technology to go unobstructed.

As for the dining table, Gaga's side will open like how peacocks open their beautiful feathers. This suggest how proud Gaga is with her music and bizzare with her costume. Ive's side will slide into boxes as it opens. This idea come with the interface of iPhone. ("slide to unlock" and those little boxes are like the apps appearing on the screen.) User friendly technology by Ive. Also notice the different heights of the table top and with a row seats. This allows the two clients a freedom to choose where to sit, how high or low to sit. This mean that sometimes Ive feels like he has a very huge idea to share, he would like to choose to sit at a higer position. (in control) And sometimes Gaga feels like she is stuck in composing her music, she might wanna sit at a lower position. (reflecting the down of her life). Sitting at different heights might offer distinctive perspectives and ideas generated each time the clients meet up.

Skectchup model:

The bridge.

Gaga's elevator.

Ive's elevator.

The dining table.
