Wednesday, June 15, 2011

EXP 3 Submission

Link to crysis file:

There are 4 folders inside the file:
1. z3371104_objects_exp3
2. z3371104_levels_exp3
3. Music
4. Natural

"Music" should be placed in "Game" folder in crysis directory.
"Natural"should be placed in "Objects" folder in crysis directory.

do make sure to turn up your volume when playing as I have included soundtrack inside the level.

I also include a video demo on how operate the elevators:

Lady Gaga:

L- to start the elevator
K- to go down the valley
J- to go up (make sure the character is standing in the middle of the elevator to avoid crashing with the terrain, as shown in the video)
H- to move the elevator back to its initial position

Jonathan Ive:

U- to start the elevator
Y- to go down the valley
P- to go up
O- to move the elevator back to its initial position

Link to sketchup model:

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