Saturday, October 22, 2011

ARCH1142 Reflection

Model-It workshop

Before this workshop, I have absolutely no experience in model making. It was very hard for me as in how to start or where to start on modeling a building. However, throughout this workshop, I have learned how to make the process of model making to be more efficient. Before I started modeling, I started to work out all the parts with specific dimensions that need to be cut, the joint in each parts, the base, the spacing and also which part should be model first so that it doesn't obstruct any space later on when modeling the rest of the parts. All this method has speed up my modeling process and I found it to be very important because as an arhictecture student we need to make a model of our design most of time to help us experiment our design.

Draw-It workshop

I have some drawing experience prior to this workshop but most of them are poster drawing and colouring, nothing on architectural drawing representation. In this workshop, I realized that it was totally a different level of requirement and style in architectural drawing and rendering compare to my previous learning. It was a huge jump from normal casual drawing that it focuses alot more on drawing accuracy and technique. The hardest part I found was to learn how to control the strength of the hand when drawing and maintain its consistancy. Throughout this workshop, I had discover and explore many different styles of rendering.

Montage-It workshop

This workshop requires great amount of photoshop skills. I have used photoshop for quite some time before this workshop but wasn't actually farmiliar with the layers which are the most essential and importatnt aspect in photoshop. Throughout this workshop, I have discover a lot of new photoshop techniques that I never tried before, especially making great effect just by using layers. This workshop had push and refine my photoshop skill even further which I think is very useful because these skill will come in handy in my future design presentation.

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