Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week 9: Mashup Articles (refined version)

A musician whose hooky dance tunes would barely rate a second playing on karaoke night, yet who made it all but impossible to avert one's gaze from her ongoing spectacle. She immediately displayed an enormous talent. Her passion to keep going and her attention to detail set her way. way apart from anything the majority of her contemporaries could produce. A single unlikely figure raised the flag for style and its power to confound, bewitch and amuse. More than an ordinary pop star or fashion muse, she devoted her life to making sure all our lives are better. She is champion of even the youngest of victims - the victimes of child sex crimes. It is amazing that one single woman was able to come to the rescue of many of the country's youngest victimes in a way no one previously could imagine possible. With her in your corner, you are no longer a victim. Her ability and track record have earned her unprecendented trust. She is particularly good on a broad basis, in that she can work on anything. Whatever she touches, it seems to turn to gold right before our very eyes. There will be time when there would be "new categories of people" being "put up there" as stars. She is rigged for that stardom. She is a real-life avatar.


1. Lady Gaga -"When Lady Gaga Appears, So Do Her Many Influences," NYTimes, accessed May 4, 2011,
2. Oprah Winfrey - "A Woman On A Mission," G-POP, accessed May 4, 2011,
3. Jonathan Ive - "He is the quintessential designer. He knows more than anyone what we will have in our hands in five years: From creating toilets to shaping the iPod - the rise and rise of Apple genius," Guardian, accessed May 6, 2011,

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